Per New York State Executive Order 202.26, dated May 1, 2020, village elections originally scheduled for March, April, May or June are postponed until September 15th.
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Notice of meeting – Parish Village Board meeting of Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 7:00 p.m. to be made available via a Zoom meeting
Because of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency and State and Federal bans on large meetings or gatherings and pursuant to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1 issued on March 12, 2020 suspending the Open Meetings Law, the Village of Parish organizational meeting, 2020-2021 budget hearing, and regular Mayvillage board meetings scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, 2020 will be held electronically via Zoom teleconference instead of a public meeting open for the public to attend in person.
Please note that the village gym will not be open for the public to be physically present at this meeting. The Zoom accommodations are intended to provide for the public’s right to know how the village’s business is being conducted while still maintaining both group size limitations and physical distancing considerations currently in effect.
Members of the public may listen to or view these village board meetings by going to the web site:
The meeting ID is 862 5050 2662. There is no password.
The public may also dial in to listen to the meeting at 929 205 6099.
The meeting ID is 862 5050 2662
Note that this is a long distance phone call, and charges may apply.
Minutes of these meetings will transcribed and posted on the village’s website,
Protocol for town/village offices to begin a reopening phase — 5/18/2020
Oswego County has met Governor Cuomo’s criteria to begin to reopen.
There will be limited access to the town and village offices.
- This means that an individual is permitted into the building only by appointment
- Must wear a mask
- Maintain social distancing.
Thank you for your cooperation.
This is for the safety of everyone in our community.

Mayor Perkins
In the 2020 New York State Budget, it was enacted that BASIC STAR BENEFITS WILL BE DENIED to property owners who are delinquent on their County, Town, Village, City or School property taxes for more than one year.
All delinquent taxpayers who are behind on their taxes and all delinquent installment contract holders who are behind on their payment schedules must bring their accounts current by JUNE 22, 2020 to keep their STAR in 2021.
Delinquent taxes and delinquent installment contract payments should be paid to the Oswego County Treasurer’s Office. Payments are not accepted on Foreclosed properties.
If you pay your taxes late but pay your taxes in full (being current), you may become eligible to get BASIC STAR in the future year. Once a taxpayer loses the reduction from the school tax bill (STAR EXEMPTION), the taxpayer can only receive a STAR check with future eligibility if prior taxes have been paid in full. (This means that the Town & County Tax Bills – issued in January, as well as applicable City Taxes which are issued in April – must be kept current at all times to keep Basic STAR. Unpaid Village and School Property Taxes, as well as other Relevies are accounted for the on the January Tax Bill.)
All inquiries regarding STAR and ENHANCED STAR should be directed to the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance. Their phone number is 518-457-2036 and their normal office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. More information may be obtained at:
May 13 rabies clinic in Parish is postponed
OSWEGO COUNTY – The Oswego County Health Department has postponed its rabies clinic for pets that was scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, at the Oswego County DPW Garage in Parish.
Health officials hope to resume the rabies clinics later this season. Until then, people should contact their veterinarian to schedule an appointment if their pet is overdue on its rabies vaccination.
All animal bites, whether from a domestic animal or wildlife, should be reported to the health department as soon as possible. To report an animal bite or seek guidance concerning potential exposures to rabies, call 315-349-3557, weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., or call 315-341-0086 after regular business hours, weekends and holidays.
Additional information about rabies can be found at
Clean-Up Day — Saturday, June 6
There will be a town and village of Parish clean-up day on Saturday, June 6, to be held at the town highway garage at Dill Pickle Alley in the village, from 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Parish town and village residents only! ID may be required.
Clean-up items may include:
- furniture
- documents
- cardboard
- tires – no rims – limit 8
- electronics
Clean-up items may NOT include:
- Batteries
- Pain
- chemicals
- asbestos
- household waste
- normal trash
- grass
- tree limbs
Questions? Call the village of Parish at 315-625-4592