Parish’s Mayor is Jacqueline Murphy (term exp. 3/31/2025)
The village trustees are:
- Arthur “Jack” Brown (term exp. 3/31/2024)
- Scott Allardice (term exp. 3/31/2024)
- Gordon Youngman III (term exp. 3/31/2025)
- Jerome Lapira (term exp. 3/31/2025)
The Parish Village Board meets the third Wednesday of most months at 6:00 p.m. at the Parish Village Gym, 2938 East Main Street, Parish, New York 13131.
The Parish village clerk is Daniel Ingles.
The village clerk’s hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – 9:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
The village clerk’s phone number is 315.625.4592.
The village clerk’s e-mail address is villageclerk@parish-ny.us .
The Parish village treasurer is Kevin Dwyer.
The Village Code/Zoning Enforcement Officer is William Hamacher.
The Code Enforcement office is located at the Village Gym, 2938 East Main Street, Parish, New York.
He is available by appointment by calling 315.625.4305.
Please leave a message and he will return your call ASAP.
He can also be reached at villagecodes@parish-ny.us .
The Code/Zoning Enforcement Office has a Facebook page,
The complaint form for the village’s codes office is available here:
Codes Complaint Form
The Village of Parish has zoning, and the zoning local law and zoning map may be found on this web site at http://villageofparish-ny.us/index.php/other-documents/
The chairman of the Parish joint town and village planning Board is William Scriber.
His e-mail address is pbchair@parish-ny.us.
The Parish Planning Board meets the fourth Monday of most months at 6:30 p.m. at the Parish Village Gym, 2938 East Main Street, Parish, New York 13131.
To get on the agenda for the planning board meeting, please complete and send the agenda item request form found at http://townofparish-ny.us/index.php/documents-and-forms/
Documents related to planning board review must be submitted in PDF format.
The Parish zoning board of appeals (ZBA) meets on an as-needed basis, with notice of such meetings provided on the village’s web site. The ZBA meets at the Parish Village Gym, 2938 NYS Route 69, Parish, New York 13131.
The e-mail address for the zoning board of appeals is zba@parish-ny.us.