Notice of public hearing – Parish Village Board, Monday, February 22, 2021, 6:00 p.m. available only via Zoom

Because of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency and State and Federal bans on large meetings or gatherings and pursuant to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1 issued on March 12, 2020 suspending the Open Meetings Law and subsequent Executive Orders, and pursuant to the closing of the village gym to the public starting Monday, December 14, 2020, the public hearing held by the Village of Parish scheduled for Monday, February 22, 2021 will made available to the general public electronically only via Zoom teleconference.

The purpose of the Public Hearing is for the submission of a CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) application to the Public Infrastructure Program for the Funding Year 2021.

Opportunity to discuss and make inquiry as to the application to be submitted is provided at this forum. Funds will be utilized for intended upgrade to take place at the Village Waste Water Treatment {;ant which was built in the 1970’s to serve as a 25 year structure for the Village. The present plant has exhausted its ability to function efficiently and is in need of more effective utilization.

Members of the public may listen to or view these village board meetings by going to the web site:

The meeting ID is 870 7336 6492 There is no password.

The public may also dial in to listen to the meeting at 929.205.6099.
The meeting ID is 870 7336 6492 There is no password.

Note that this is a long distance phone call, and charges may apply.

The recording of this meeting will transcribed and posted on the village’s website,